YLove Big Cats
Difference between Panther and Leopard
It is most common to describe Panther and Leppard (or Leopard) as two distinct species. However, this is more a misconception in the wider public than a recognized biological classification. Both words should be used interchangeably even if old habits never die (For all the kids, Bagheera will always be the black panther of Rudyard…
Big, small, all cats are the same
If you thought that a house cat was really different from a big cat, think again. If you thought that a lion or a leopard was from a different stock than the neighbours’ little feline, see that they’re all the same:
Eagle vs. leopard (in a tree)
It is quite usual to see a leopard in a tree. After all, these big cats climb up there quite commonly and often bring their dead prey into the high branches to protect them from the competition (like a wandering hyena). But it is quite rare to see a leopard hunt in a treee. When,…
A flipboard for YLoveBigCats
A few changes for YLovePhoto in 2015. Starting with the decision of adding a special complement to the web site for those who know and love FlipBoard, a powerful way to flip pages on Internet-based magazines. It’s even easier if you chose to use your smart phone: your magazine pages are flipped from the tip…
Cheetah’s speed machine run in images
I love the way cheetahs outperform many man-made machines in terms of acceleration and speed. But I also love it when somebody demonstrates beautifully how it works and gives us some stats and facts about cheetahs. Lovely visit to be done to Cheetah’s Nature speed machine.
Tiger vs. robot camera
A tiger is really a big big cat. But it’s also as curious as any kitten.